Friday 23 September 2011

Early morning run in the park (Hannah)

Neither of us have been 100% recently and we've had a lot of family stuff going on.  So we haven't managed to spend much time just the two of us or do as much exercise as we'd like.  So this morning we rectified that in the best way possible...

We headed up to Richmond Park as it was opening and had it almost to ourselves.  The seasons are turning and it was a clear blue sky crisp morning so there was a layer of mist hanging over the lower part of the park.  It was stunning.

One of our favourite things is a barefoot or Vibram five fingers run which is completely unstructured - we just run whichever way we fancy when we get to a junction and see where we end up.  So this is what we treated ourselves to today.  I'm not quite sure why we did Vibrams rather than barefoot but that's what we did - maybe we were being chicken cos of autumn being round the corner!

It's rutting season for the deer at the moment and we could hear their bellows as we ran through the middle of the park away from the main paths.  There were some impressive guys out there and we weren't too surprised to spot a photographer capturing it all - antlers appearing through the ferns with the sun peeking through the mist behind them.

It was a perfect start to the day and great to get the blood pumping a bit again after not being able to train for a week or so.  And it was good just to spend some time together too, doing one of the things we enjoy most.

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